Construction-Specific Services
Union Fringe Benefit Management
Union Reporting That’s Timely and Accurate
My Construction Payroll has specialized in Union Reporting for over 30 years. Many unions require specific reports that are very involved and must be completed accurately.
My Construction Payroll handles all union wage reporting, calculates fringe benefit deductions, effects pay rate changes, and handles union benefit audits, multi-state, and local taxes. Provide My Construction Payroll the job and trades, and we will calculate correct wages for your union jobs. We understand the construction industry and know your employees can work different trades, and union jurisdictions at any time.
My Construction Payroll prepares all union reports for your uploads. We also create and export payroll file information for your unions and provide information on all 401K contributions. If the union does not require uploads, we are also able to provide hard copies of all your reports.
Gathering the data for these reports is very time consuming and tricky. We absolutely take all union reporting doubts and worries off your hands to provide timeliness, compliance, and accuracy. My Construction Payroll is backed by hands-on service, not a software program. There are some things you can't click your way through. Partner with My Construction Payroll and leave the heavy lifting to us.

Handles Prevailing Wage Jobs
Municipalities across the US have launched Prevailing Wage initiatives to help increase the number of public contracts that get awarded to minority and women-owned businesses.
According to the Davis-Bacon Act, any contractor or sub-contractor hired by the Federal government of publicly funded projects must pay all his employees the prevailing wages.
Prevailing wage payroll needs to be reported to the Department of Labor on the basis of this law. Do not mistake prevailing wages for minimum wages. They’re always higher than the State and Federal minimum wage requirements.
There are many rules, regulations, details and nuances that you need to be aware of when it comes to taxes, payroll and reporting in order to remain compliant. Even small mistakes can put your prevailing wage contracts at risk, and hurt your potential for winning new contracts in the future.
Don’t take the chance that you can navigate these complicated waters on your own. My Construction Payroll has over 30 years of knowledge of these processes to handle all the ins-and-outs of prevailing wage reporting, so we can keep you compliant while you focus on fulfilling your contracts and winning new ones.
Workers' Compensation Management
Workers Compensation Payment Service
Available exclusively for My Construction Payroll clients, our PAYO ‘PAY AS YOU OWE’ helps you stay on top of workers’ compensation costs and eliminate large, up-front premium deposits and financing fees. It’s the smart way to manage your workers’ compensation insurance.
Per-pay-period billings based on actual wages paid – not estimates – helping to improve cash flow
Minimized exposure of additional premiums or balloon payments upon audit.
Partnerships with highly-rated carriers
Easy claim reporting to your carrier
Learn more about our PAYO solutions, and how they can help your company.
Workers’ Compensation Report Service
Even if you decide not to choose the convenience of integrating your workers’ compensation with My Construction Payroll, we offer reliable reports that use actual wages for each classification code.
Available on a quarterly or monthly basis, these reports can help you to:
Maintain control over your workers’ compensation costs
Take the hassle out of gathering employee information
Make it easier to manage your premium payments with your carrier
Keep track of the different workers’ compensation codes
Workers Compensation (EMR) Cost Reduction
My Construction Payroll assists its clients with discovering overcharges, insurance carrier errors, and classification errors. Our process consists of a Workers Compensation Review that will:
Verify Classification Codes and Experience Modifiers
Examine Payroll Audits for possible errors
Obtain Refunds of Past Overcharges
Correct Experience Mod errors that can affect your bidding and raise your premiums​
Not sure why you should do this? Look at these figures:
45% of Employers are overcharged for Workers Compensation insurance
25% is the average overcharge of annual Workers Compensation Premiums
Did you know that over 75% of companies just like yours overpay their workers’ comp premiums, without ever realizing it?
Unfortunately, the rules are complex, convoluted, constantly changing – and near impossible to figure out correctly. Worse yet, insurance companies aren’t motivated to catch the mistakes and save you money.
That’s hard-earned money right out of your pocket. We can help get this lost money back for you. In fact, we’ve secured refunds for over 90% of the clients we’ve taken on, recovering millions of dollars in overpaid insurance premiums.
Give us a chance to get your money back, at no risk to you – you only pay when we collect money on your behalf.

Certified Payroll with
Electronic Submissions
Certified Payroll Reports require the following information for employees working on federal projects; employee's full name, work classification, hours worked daily (including day, date, straight time, over time hours, and total hours), rate of pay, gross amount, and any payroll deductions.
Each Certified Payroll report must also contain a statement of compliance signed by the contractor/subcontractor, or authorized agent who pays or supervises the payment of covered workers. The primary contractor is responsible for the submission of payrolls by all subcontractors.
Certified Payroll Reports must be submitted every week you are a contractor working on a federal, or federally-aided construction contract/subcontract. When no work is performed on site, you still need to submit a "no work report".
At My Construction Payroll we streamline the process for you with electronic submission for Davis-Bacon Wage Rate Certifications with our reporting services. We also provide manual input services into any eCPR (Electronic Certified Payroll Reporting) system for all projects.
We are a trusted service provider for Certified Payrolls. All Certified Payrolls are performed in-house, reviewed, compliance screened and submitted electronically post payroll run. Taking hours to perform this task is no longer yours, as our service allows us to perform all the necessary functions to process this type of payroll for you.
OSHA Safety & Health Training
The 40-Hour OSHA Construction Safety & Health Training Program was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor to provide construction workers, supervisors, and other personnel responsible for construction activities with an awareness of construction safety, health concerns, and to help workers reduce the risk of job-site hazards.
First-Time Customers Receive
the 40-Hour OSHA Class at a Discount
Course Description
The 40-Hour OSHA Construction Safety & Health Training Program complies with Local Law 78 and Local Law 196. Participants discuss and review standard construction safety and health principles and receive information that will prepare them to recognize and control a variety of hazardous conditions.
Included with the course:
An official JJ Keller OSHA Construction Safety Handbook.
A certificate of completion from My Construction Payroll.
A laminated 40-Hour Construction Safety Outreach Course Card, issued by OSHA (sent 4-6 weeks after completion of training).
Methods of Instruction
This course consists of several different components including PowerPoint presentations, lecture, real-life case studies, class discussion and Q&A.
Completion Requirements
Attendees are required to complete 100% of the course and actively participate in all learning activities.
40-Hour OSHA Course Pricing
First Time Customers receive the 40-Hour OSHA Class at a discount.
At My Construction Payroll, we recognize your time is valuable, but this is a training that you and your employees cannot afford to miss.